2025 Peewee Information

(2013 and 2014 Birth Years: 2-3 teams projected)

*All tryouts and practices will be at the Community First Champion Center.

If you are unable to make a tryout session, please reach out to Ryan Coda using the contact link at the bottom of this page. We will try to do whatever we can to be flexible to give everyone a chance to tryout.


  • MYHockey Chicago Spring Classic (April 25-27) - Chicago, IL
  • MYHockey Windy City Spring Classic (May 16-18) - Chicago, IL

**Teams may attend additional optional tournaments at their own personal expense. We are also investigating options for a 3rd local tournament (dates and location TBD) that may be added at no additional fee**

Tryout Dates/Times

  • March 4 (6:30 - 7:50 pm) - 2014* and all goalies
  • March 10 (7:00 - 8:20 pm) - 2013* and all goalies
  • March 13 (7:00 - 7:50 pm) - Peewee Callbacks

*Players can be moved to the other birth year group and/or to the Callback group in the event of a time conflict for tryouts.

Practice Days/Times

  • Tuesdays 7:30 - 8:50 pm
  • Thursdays 7:00 - 7:50 pm

**The above practice days and times are preliminary and may vary due to any special events at the Champion Center on a week-to-week basis.**

There is a possibility of a 3rd Peewee team. If that is the case, each Peewee team will only have 1 weekly practice every 3rd week (Wednesdays from 8:00 - 9:20 pm).

Estimated Season Fees

  • $500 - $550 (goalies will receive a $200 discount)

Season fees include a practice jersey and game socks that the players keep as well as a set of game jerseys that will be turned in at the end of the season. Entry fees to the two MYHockey tournaments are also included. Scrimmages and/or additional tournaments, if agreed upon by the team, may come at an additional cost.


Please contact Ryan Coda using the contact link below with any questions.

Ryan Coda

Fox River Phoenix General Manager

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